About the Exhibit - The Sad Lament of the Brave, Let the Wind Speak and Other Paintings
‘The Sad Lament of the Brave, Let the Wind Speak and Other Paintings’ sounds like it could be a poem from Ernest Hemingway. However, it’s just the title of Julian Schnabel’s exhibit at Pace Gallery, on view from Sep 18–Oct 24, 2020.

“Painted in Montauk, Julian Schnabel's latest large-scale works embrace the irregular shapes of their supports—fabric that covered a fruit market in Mexico.” (source)

James Nares (a word-renowned British painter) famous for her large brush stroke paintings sat down with Julian Schnabel to speak through the works in this exhibition.

“These paintings represent the evidence of their own autonomy. They are metaphoric in an open way, not to interpretation as image but as underlying principles and facets of nature.” - James Nares

“Julian is drawn to surfaces and objects that show their own history—scuffed-up cardboard, the discarded sails of sailing ships, Kabuki theater backdrops…he thinks of them as ‘opportunities’—calls them ‘veils of time.’ - James Nares

“The paintings are full of dynamic surprises…Small fire, a prism, and a window-like opening in a place with no wall, blue sky beyond…” - James Nares

About the Artist - Julian Schnabel
Julian Schnabel is an American painter and filmmaker. He’s not just any filmmaker...he’s actually won a golden globe for best director.
He received his B.F.A. at the University of Houston. He then participated in an Independent Study Program (ISP) at the Whitney Museum of American Art.
While he’s had incredible accolades within the art world (think participation in the Venice Biennale) the fact he painted the Red Hot Chili Peppers ‘best (IMO)’ studio album, by the way is one of the coolest facts about Schnabel.
If Schnabel still sounds familiar and you can’t figure out why, it’s probably because his Son, Vito is a famous dealer in the Art World and owner of - Vito Schnabel Gallery, he’s also known for dating Heidi Klum.
Below is a video of me visiting Schnabel's exhibit in Chelsea (towards the end).