About the Exhibit - Bad, Immediately
Margaret Lee’s exhibit, Bad, Immediately, is on view at Jack Hanley Gallery from January 7th until February 6th, 2021. The exhibit contains a mix of 8 abstract paintings and a rope and nails sculpture.
Coming off of 2020, this exhibit’s message is insanely relevant, driving at the fact that things don’t always need to be immediately better, sometimes it’s ok to sit with the ‘bad.’
The exhibit “searches for an artistic language that signals beyond what is immediately given, and towards a vision of a world that is rebuilt from bottom to top” (source)
The title, Bad, Immediately, directly references the rope sculpture that is the center of the exhibit, literally and figuratively. It represents how it’s not the worst thing to take in the bad because it’s how we can learn and evolve as humans.
“Letting go of current expectations can, in certain instances, lead to the understanding that things can change.” (source)
Ropes are symbolic for Lee in that “such objects can carry a gallows humor, or invoke a feeling of being twisted. Concurrently, however, ropes can hold things and spaces together, or foreground the possibility of connection. Their value is defined by their use. They are relational objects.” (source)
The eight abstract paintings create a world or context for the rope sculpture to live in and be set against. I do love how you feel like you’re walking around New York, looking at various apartment buildings.
About the Artist - Margaret Lee
Margaret Lee lives and works in New York where she was born. She’s worked as a studio manager for Cindy Sherman and she co-founded a gallery space with her boyfriend, Oliver Newton.
“Lee founded the artist-run space 179 Canal in 2009, and is the Co-founder of the gallery 47 Canal” (source)
You can read more about Margaret Lee on her website here.