Just when I thought I couldn't love Material Art Fair in Mexico City anymore, they came back with a bang this year with THE COOLEST MERCH (see below).

The art was splendid as always, but the merch was a real banger, so thank you Material for that lovely surprise. And yes, I did go home with a t-shirt.

About the Fair
A little bit about the fair for those that may not know much about it...it's in Mexico City at the same time of Zonamaco. It has the equivalent of the NYC LES galleries with more emerging artists and the most unique thing about it is probably the location - at the Frontón México.

Which were my favorite booths????

OMR - Mexico City
Material is the kind of fair where exhibitors get creative with their booths...and it's a lot of fun to experience. For example, Mexico City gallery, OMR had booth's at both Zonamaco and Material, but for Material opted for an almost tent-like experience made of colorful textiles and works by Yann Gerstberger.

Labor - Mexico City
The A-list Mexico City galleries really brought it. Labor's booth consisted of 'work' by Erick Beltrán - called #nothingbutthetruth. Visitors were invited to write their favorite lies in a notebook. These are then compiled and printed in elegant typographic arrangements (see below)

Machete Galería - Mexico City
My favorite work at Machete's booth is by Mexican artist Artemio. I was lucky to see an exhibition of his at Machete last year and I've been a fan ever since.

Thierry Goldberg Gallery - New York
Thierry Goldberg Gallery had an impressive solo booth of works by Mexican artist Maria Fragoso.

Kurimanzutto - Mexico City
Kurimanzutto had another solo booth devoted to works by Gabriel Orozco.

T H E P I L L ® - Instanbul
The Pill is the kind of gallery that reminds me why I love going to art fairs. Being based in a country far away from mine (Turkey), and rarely frequenting the fairs I attend, it's exciting to see them in person at least once a year.

At their booth they featured works by Daniel Otero Torres and Pablo Dávila. The artworks by Daniel Otero Torres were the real showstopper.

High Art - Paris
High Art had a stellar booth - specifically the works by American artist - Pentti Monkkonen.

The larger than life light switches are a great representation of Monkkonen's quirky, pop art type style. It reminds me a lot of Nick Doyle's work.

Lyles & King - New York
Lyles & King is a gallery I frequent in the lower east side...they're consistently brining a solid group of artists to fairs and this was no exception.

Farley Aguilar is one of my favorite artists thanks to his ability to combine almost morbid figuritism (not a word) with an explosion of cheerful color. My kind of juxtaposition.

AA|LA - Los Angeles
This was a gallery I'd never heard of, but I will definitely be giving them a visit next time I'm in LA. Featured are works by Aria McManus.

JOSÉGARCÍA - Mexico City
If I could have taken this work by Pablo Dávila home, OMG. The forumla-type scribbles gave me all the cramming for an exam in college vibes and I'm all about it.

Beverly's - New York
A new take on this year's edition of Material was a complete takeover by Beverly's of the ramps leading up to each level with artworks, creating a booth you walk through on multiple levels. Some of my favorites included this work below by Dana Robinson.

Galería Agustina Ferreyra - Mexico City
Another Mexico City gallery, just killing it. This work by Dalton Gata is phenomenal.

Union Pacific - London
I love some Koak (not that kind now...).

Smart Objects - Los Angeles
I'm usually not into realism but these works by Justin John Greene have enough going on that my eyes just want to take it all in. And even though I can't stand Smart Object's website, I'm reminded how great the LA art scene is after seeing these booths.

And that's all folks! Another great year visiting Material, and I can't wait for next! Which were your favorites? Email me and let me know.