August 23, 2018

NADA Miami Beach 2018

After trekking from fair to fair for Miami Art Week, it's easy for "Fair Fatigue" to sync in. NADA Miami, is the perfect cure for that.
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Art Fairs
Entrance to the fair

After trekking from fair to fair for Miami Art Week, it's easy for "Fair Fatigue" to sync in. NADA Miami is the perfect cure for that. It takes place in a gorgeous facility far from the bustle and hustle of the other fairs where attendees can stretch out in hammocks on the grounds and sip glasses of white wine while listening to artist talks. 

"NADA Art Fair is the most enjoyable art fair of Miami Art Week" - Mary Lynn Buchanan

It's affordable as well, with tickets for $ I didn't have to do the usual begging for a spare ticket from a gallery...I just paid for them outright... with all funds going towards the National Art Dealers Association.

Overall I broke down my fair coverage into a few different categories: 

Galleries from New York

Galleries outside of New York

Artist with stand-out pieces

Best booths

A look inside the fair

Galleries from New York

Martos Gallery

I was obsessed with Martos Gallery's (from New York) booth with works by Tyree Guyton (below).

Works by  Tyree Guyton at Martos Gallery's booth
‍Work by  Tyree Guyton at Martos Gallery's booth
Works by  Tyree Guyton at Martos Gallery's booth

KARMA Gallery

Karma showcased works by Walter Price, Will Boone, and Alex Da Corte. (see below).

Fawn by Will Boone next to works by  Walter Price at KARMA Gallery's booth
Work by Alex Da Corte at KARMA Gallery's booth

Nicelle Beauchene Gallery

Killed it at the fair...selling most works (yes I eavesdropped). Some of the artists showcased were Louise Despont, Jim Lee, and Ruby Sky Stiler.

Works by Jim Lee at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery's booth
I spotted works by Louise Despont in Nicelle Beauchene Gallery's back room
Works by Ruby Sky Stiler at Nicelle Beauchene Gallery's booth

Rachel Uffner Gallery

Brought some bold works by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung (below).

Works by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung at Rachel Uffner Gallery's booth
‍Works by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung at Rachel Uffner Gallery's booth
‍Works by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung at Rachel Uffner Gallery's booth

Non-NYC Galleries

The most fun booth's are those from the gallerys I don't get to see in person, since they're located outside of NYC. Some of my favorites include:

Smart Objects from L.A.

Shane Campbell Gallery from Chicago

Night Gallery From L.A.

Work by Cheyenne Julien. (on left) and  Paul Rouphail (on right) at Smart Objects booth

Smart Objects

 Featured works by and Paul Rouphail, Derek Paul Jack Boyle, Cheyenne Julien.

Work by Derek Paul Jack Boyle at Smart Objects booth
Work by Cheyenne Julien. at Smart Objects booth

Shane Campbell Gallery 

Featured exciting works by an artist I wasn't familiar with before - David Leggett.

Shane Campbell Gallery's booth
Work by David Leggett. at Shane Campbell Gallery's booth
‍Work by David Leggett. at Shane Campbell Gallery's booth
‍Work by David Leggett. at Shane Campbell Gallery's booth

Artist with stand-out pieces

I'd like to give a shout-out to some incredible artists I spotted.......including work by

Sara Rahbar at Carbon 12's booth

‍Sara Rahbar at Carbon 12's booth
‍Sara Rahbar at Carbon 12's booth

Matthew Day Jackson at Wingate Studio's booth

‍Matthew Day Jackson at Wingate Studio's booth

Michael LeVell at White Columns booth (below)

Works by Michael LeVell at White Columns booth
Artist unknown uggggggggg

Best Booths go to....

Super Dakota from Brussells

Super Dakota's booth

Kate Werble Gallery booth

Kate Werble Gallery's booth

Proyectos Ultravioleta Gallery booth (from Guatamala) 

‍Proyectos Ultravioleta Gallery booth
Proyectos Ultravioleta Gallery booth
‍Proyectos Ultravioleta Gallery booth

Such an amazing fair, and a wonderful way to end my first time in Miami! 

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