December 16, 2018

Takashi Murakami at Perrotin

Takahashi Murakami is one of the few artists that can be mentioned by one of the most famous rappers of our time (Drake) and have two exhibition at Galerie Perrotin all within the same year (2018).
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Takahashi Murakami is one of the few artists that can be mentioned by one of the most famous rappers of our time (Drake) and have two exhibition at Galerie Perrotin (one of the most famous galleries in the world) all within the same year (2018).

‍Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York
“Yeah, lot of Murakami in the hallway (What?)” - Drake (in Going Bad ft. Meek Mill)
Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

HEADS ↔ HEADS, an exhibition by Murakami was at Perrotin April 28th - June 17th, 2018 was inspired by the works of Francis Bacon

‍Installation image of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

Bacon is known for his grotesque portraits and creating 'series' of works in diptychs or triptychs.

‍‍Installation image of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

There are many triptychs in Murakami's exhibition, which show off his classic iconography of mushroom, skulls, eyeballs and flowers.

‍Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York
“What is Beauty. It is a momentary flicker of ever-vanishing youth.” - Takashi Murakami
Shot of the second floor of Murakami's exhibition at Galerie Perrotin in New York

My favorite part of this exhibition was on the second floor, in the second room...which was plastered head to toe in studies for all the artworks in the show (as well as some of Murakami's most famous collabs with artists like Virgil Abloh).

Study for Murakami's collab with Off White's Virgil Abloh
"I think what makes us a powerful combination is that we embrace the now. We come from two different worlds and two different practices, but we found our point of intersection in the work we create together, which is a commentary inspired by current times and current freedom." - Virgil Abloh on Takashi Murakami
Study for Murakami's collab with Off White's Virgil Abloh

In true Japanese fashion, Murakami puts the upmost detail and precision into his art, so it's not surprising Takahashi Murakami has PhD in Nihonga painting. An actual PhD. 

What is Nihong painting?  

Paintings “from about 1900 onwards that have been made in accordance with traditional Japanese artistic conventions, techniques and materials.” - Wikipedia
Study for Murakami's exhibition at Perrotin in New York

The color labeling alone in Murakami's ‘Superflat’ works shows the excruciating process he goes through to create his vision. He invented the ‘Superflat’ aesthetic in 2001. Think - strictly two dimensional, highly detailed artworks.

Study for Murakami's exhibition at Perrotin in New York
"When I was making my debut as an artist, I felt that it was very important that I try to combine the background of my own culture, my people, and the country into the contemporary art world. So that's how I came up with the term 'superflat.' " - Takashi Murakami (interview Esquire) 
Study for Murakami's exhibition at Perrotin in New York
"Japanese people accept that art and commerce will be blended; and, in fact, they are surprised by the rigid and pretentious Western hierarchy of 'high art.'" - Takashi Murakami in BlouinArtInfo
Installation image of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

Takashi is represented by Perrotin globally. But, Murakami also has is own gallery/agency called Kaikai Kiki Co. in the following areas: 


New York

Los Angeles

‍Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

Notable Press Around the Exhibition


Cultured Mag

Time Out

‍Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

Takashi Murakami was born, and still works and lives in Tokyo, Japan.

‍‍Up close of Takashi Murakami's work at Perrotin Gallery in New York

Keep up with Takashi on Insta (below) 


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