Art Basel, Miami Beach is the number one art fair in the I already knew one post about it wasn't going to even begin to do it this is part one. In part one I'll do a quick walk through of my experience at the fair and some of the standout part two I'll cover more specific themes I saw and standout artworks.

Once a year in the Miami Convention Center...the entire art world, celebrities, and all of the industries that intersect (fashion, media, ect.) travel down south to take part in a ritual that's nothing short of madness.

The first thing you have to understand about Miami Basel week is that there is no time to eat. For me this was a huge problem, so by the time I visited Miami Basel, I didn't care how much it cost I headed straight for the buffet before seeing any art.

Thankfully my little detour paid off, because I had lunch next to the one and only Daniel Arsham! So with one artist spotting already taken care of, the fair was off to a great start.
Galerie Templon

The dining area was right next to Galerie Templon's booth which without fail was FILLED with works by George Segal.

At Art Fair's this large my strategy is to hit every booth on the perimeter first...then venture towards the inside...because once you leave the borders..all is lost...literally, you'll just be lost for hours.
CANADA Gallery

I was so excited to see BRAND NEW works by Katherine Bernhardt at CANADA's booth

I'm pretty much counting the seconds until this exhibition pops up on their calendar.
Metro Pictures Gallery
Metro Pictures had an incredible booth with works by André Butzer, Judith Hopf, Robert Longo, and Camille Henrot (and some more not photographed).

Lévy Gorvy Gallery
Lévy Gorvy Gallery went full-blown Keith Haring - (even wearing Keith Haring patterned shoes, see below).

Galería OMR
From Mexico City, Galería OMR brought works by Atlelier Van Lieshout, Jose Dávila, Jorge Méndez Blake, and Gabriel Rico.

303 Gallery
Brought works by Doug Aitken, Jacob Kassay, and Alicja Kwade.

Hauser & Wirth
Brought two of my favorites... works by Jenny Holzer and Alina Szapocznikow

Mitchell-Innes & Nash
Brought the party with works by Pope.L, Chris Johanson, General Idea, and many more (not photographed).

And last but not least - I'd like to give a special thank you to....
Pace Gallery
For tickets to Miami Basel and the oportunitiy to see all this amazing art. They had an absolutly mesmerizing booth with works by James Turell.

Check out Part 2 for more details on my favorite artworks and key themes of the fair!